The Vayavinu App

Click below to download the Vayavinu app. Inside the app are multiple downloads - some free and some paid.

Most of the apps contain an option for both Havarah Sefaradit and Havarah Ashkenazit, and some of them have English translations. The English for the Biblical books is based upon the 1917 JPS translation, with minor modifications (mostly reordering phrases so that the English will correspond to the Hebrew). See below for more complete information about the currently available downloads and anticipated updates. Please also see below for some important information about the download process.

These apps were developed together with Noam Annenberg.

Important Information about Downloading

To download an app, click on the download symbol on the top right of the box. For the paid downloads, the download symbol should appear in place of the lock symbol once the purchase is completed.

Sometimes, the symbol may not show up immediately upon purchase. If this happens, go up one level (in the case of submenus) or close the app completely, and then the download symbol should appear when you start the app.

If you uninstall the app, your record of your purchases will still remain. When you reinstall it, you will be prompted with a button to refresh your downloads. The download symbol should then appear for all previous in-app purchases.

Planned Future Updates

Nevi’im with translation (March 2025)

Job, Proverbs, Chronicles, Daniel-Ezra-Nehemiah with translation (March 2025)

Expanded Beginner’s App (Birkat HaMazon, Berakhot, Tefillat haDerekh)

Weekday Siddur for Hazzan

Full Weekday Siddur - Nusach Ashkenaz and Nusach Sefarad

The Individual Apps

The following are the downloads currently available.

Beginner Prayer Guide (Free), both havarot, hope for English to be added and for the contents to be greatly expanded.

Shema (Free), both havarot, English

Selichot (Free), havarah Ashkenazit only, no English, hope for it to be expanded to include all of Selichot.

Yamim Noraim Machzor (Free), havarah Ashkenazit only, no English, hope for the unfinished sections to be completed.

Shabbat Siddur (Paid), both havarot, no English. The text is broken down phrase by phrase.

Yom Tov Machzor (Paid), both havarot, no English. The text is broken down phrase by phrase.

Tehillim (Paid), both havarot, English. The text is broken down verse by verse, not phrase by phrase.

Megillot (Paid), both havarot, English. The text is broken down phrase by phrase, except for in Kohelet where it is broken down verse by verse.

Haftarot (Paid), both havarot, no English. The text is broken down verse by verse, not phrase by phrase.

Shabbat Reading (Paid - each Chumash may be purchased individually) - both havarot, no English. The text is broken down phrase by phrase.